Welcome to Shepherd!

A Catholic Campus Ministry at Shepherd University in Shepherdstown, WV

Open to All Students

Need a place to study? We have rooms.

Need a place to eat lunch? We have a kitchen.

Need time to pray? We have a chapel.

Need to chat? I am upstairs in my office and my door is open!

St James Parish

Sunday Mass Times:
8:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:30 pm (Spanish), and 6:00 pm.

We go to the 6:00 pm Mass as part of our ministry.

St. James also provides Mass daily:
Mondays-Fridays: 7:00 am
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12:05 pm
Wednesdays: 6:00 pm

Please reach out to me if you want a ride or need a buddy.


Email Maggie at mmoran@dwc.org or text/call (757) 995-4486. I am here to help!

Visit the “Get Involved” tab for this semester’s schedule.

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